Edited and published by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile

Pages 173 - 240
Julio - Septiembre 1998

Effect of lime aplication on the establisment and production of grasses and legumes in Chiloe
Authors: Marta Alfaro V., Nolberto Teuber K., Juan Carlos Dumont L. y Franco Medone V.
Pages 173-180 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Simulation model with dairy cows. Changes and level of alfalfa
Authors: Gilberto Gutiérrez R., Ernesto Jahn B., Roberto Velasco H. y Mario Silva G.
Pages 181-190 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Productivity of domestic South American camelids flock in an area of Parinacota province, Chile: I. Seasonal variation of botanical composition, dry matter availability, pastoral value and nutritive value of bofedales.
Authors: Giorgio Castellaro G. ,Cristián Gajardo A., Víctor H. Parraguez G., Roberto Rojas C. y Luis Raggi S.
Pages 191-204 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Stress evaluation on a alfisol soil with different humidity content
Authors: Achim Ellies Sch.. y Ricardo Smith R.
Pages 205-212 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Effect of temperature and soil moisture on elemental sulphur oxidation in a volcanic ash soil.
Authors: Roxana Silva S.,Luis Longeri S. Iván Vidal P. y Marco Sandoval E.
Pages 213-220 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Nutrient availability determination under three systems of soil use in the south of chile
Authors: José Domingo Opazo A., Walter Luzio L. , Carlos Bascur P.
Pages 221-229 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Analysis of wheat production in chile during the twentieth century.
Authors: Mario Mellado Z.
Pages 230-240 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |